Astrology Software online - Logistel

Main Chart   


Start of Forecast
Astrological chart
Symbolic degrees (French)
Astro - Geography
Arabic parts
Chinese Astrology
Second Chart
Overlay (chart n°1 and n°2)
Charts side-by-side
Midpoints (chart n°1 and n°2)
Couple Study (Compatibility)
Clock - Doble Chart


Ligne 225 Page Load avant VerifieSiAccedeLogiciel() Ligne 262 Page Load avant ChargePage() Entre dans ChargePage Load Ligne 380 Ligne 419 dans ChargePage avant TraduitInterface( Ligne 553 dans ChargePage avant MetAJourCombos() Ligne 558 dans ChargePage avant MetAJourEtudesEtTechniques() Ligne 555 dans ChargePage avant AfficheListeRL() Ligne 277 Page Load avant MetAJourPanelsPrevisions() Ligne 282 Page Load avant VerifieAffichageBoutonsDroiteSiDemo() Ligne 287 Page Load          ii =1 = strDateLue >= = 20240608*
         ii =1 = strDateJour = 20240515*
         ii =1 = DateDebut et DateDebutAbonnement = 16/10/2017 10:12:16*
         ii =1 = DateLue Fin et DateFinAbonnement = 08/06/2024 11:59:00*

         ii =1 = strNomAbo = 3012-Professionnel 12 Mois*
         ii =1 = NumeroTypeAbonnement = 4*
         ii =1 = NumeroClient =*15575*
         ii =1 mcJo.NumeroClient =*15575*
mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY [bd-PasseportAstro].strNom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 26469 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1980102908' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1980102908' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 164 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strRequete =UPDATE [bd-Client] SET iNbProblemes= 871 , strNumTVAIntraCommunautaire='2024-05-15' WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 309 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strMessageErreur = mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-Relance] WHERE iCompteur = '1' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 2 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 3 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 4 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 5 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 6 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 7 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 8 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 9 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 10 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 23 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 24 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 25 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Session2015] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY strDate ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 2 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 3 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 4 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 5 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 6 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 7 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 8 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 9 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 10 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 23 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 24 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 25 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY [bd-PasseportAstro].strNom ASC, [bd-PasseportAstro].strPrenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'FRANCE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 139096 And E.Compteur >= 139095 2= Logiciel strDateLue >= = 15/05/2024 13:42:58*
2=Logiciel DateDebut et DateDebutAbonnement = 16/10/2017 10:12:16*
2=Logiciel DateLue Fin et DateFinAbonnement = 08/06/2024 11:59:00*

2 =Logiciel NumeroTypeAbonnement = 4*
2=Logiciel NumeroClient =*15575*
mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumPasseport = 49013 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'FRANCE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 132302 And E.Compteur >= 132301 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/24 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '06/03/1962 10:32:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/06 10:32:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/24 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '06/03/1962 10:32:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/06 10:32:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051513' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051513' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '08/05/2024 03:24:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '2023/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/08 03:24:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '09/02/2024 23:01:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE >= 25023 AND <= 25035 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 23037 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/07/09 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseAgricole2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '01/07/1962 23:54:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseAgricole2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/07/01 23:54:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 192777 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '3090' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9360' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962070912' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962070912' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9360' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962070912' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962070912' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 164 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strRequete =DELETE FROM [bd-Session] WHERE lNumClient = 11928 AND strSessionID = 'aodonjnl3sazjvlr5khhregh' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74132 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1942071311' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1942071311' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74814 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1964111109' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1964111109' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'ANGLETERRE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 125108 And E.Compteur >= 125107 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74132 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1942071311' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1942071311' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC Entre Page Load Ligne 367 derniere ligne OK          ii =1 = strDateLue >= = 20240608*
         ii =1 = strDateJour = 20240515*
         ii =1 = DateDebut et DateDebutAbonnement = 16/10/2017 10:12:16*
         ii =1 = DateLue Fin et DateFinAbonnement = 08/06/2024 11:59:00*

         ii =1 = strNomAbo = 3012-Professionnel 12 Mois*
         ii =1 = NumeroTypeAbonnement = 4*
         ii =1 = NumeroClient =*15575*
         ii =1 mcJo.NumeroClient =*15575*
mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY [bd-PasseportAstro].strNom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 26469 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1980102908' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1980102908' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 164 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strRequete =UPDATE [bd-Client] SET iNbProblemes= 871 , strNumTVAIntraCommunautaire='2024-05-15' WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 309 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strMessageErreur = mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-Relance] WHERE iCompteur = '1' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 2 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 3 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 4 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 5 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 6 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 7 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 8 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 9 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 10 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 23 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 24 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 25 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Session2015] S WHERE S.lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY strDate ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 2 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 3 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 4 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 5 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 6 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 7 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 8 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 9 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 10 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 23 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 24 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [db864380288].[dbo].[bd-LigneCommandeCours] S WHERE S.iNumCours = 25 And S.lNumClient = 15575 And S.bEstPayee = 'True' ORDER BY S.iNumLigneCommandeCours ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumClient = 15575 ORDER BY [bd-PasseportAstro].strNom ASC, [bd-PasseportAstro].strPrenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'FRANCE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 139096 And E.Compteur >= 139095 2= Logiciel strDateLue >= = 15/05/2024 13:42:58*
2=Logiciel DateDebut et DateDebutAbonnement = 16/10/2017 10:12:16*
2=Logiciel DateLue Fin et DateFinAbonnement = 08/06/2024 11:59:00*

2 =Logiciel NumeroTypeAbonnement = 4*
2=Logiciel NumeroClient =*15575*
mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-PasseportAstro] WHERE [bd-PasseportAstro].lNumPasseport = 49013 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'FRANCE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 132302 And E.Compteur >= 132301 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/24 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '06/03/1962 10:32:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/06 10:32:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 15575 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/24 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '06/03/1962 10:32:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/03/06 10:32:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051513' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051513' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '08/05/2024 03:24:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '2023/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/08 03:24:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '09/02/2024 23:01:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE >= 25023 AND <= 25035 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 33845 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962032420' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962032420' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL LIKE '%2024%' AND A.strNumLune = '01' ORDER BY id DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Celebres2008-FICHE] F WHERE F.DateNaissance LIKE '15/05%' ORDER BY F.OrigineInfo DESC, F.Nom ASC, F.Prenom ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '2024/05/15 12:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 > '2023/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.strDate Like '08/05/2024%' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [PhasesLune] A WHERE A.Compteur >= '1045' AND A.Compteur < '1050' ORDER BY A.Compteur ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-Client] WHERE [bd-Client].lNumClient = 23037 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseGMT2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/07/09 23:59:59' AND A.strDateNL2 > '1961/01/01 00:00:00' ORDER BY A.strDateNL2 DESC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseAgricole2] A WHERE A.strDateNL = '01/07/1962 23:54:00' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [AstroChinoiseAgricole2] A WHERE A.strDateNL2 >= '1961/01/01 00:00:00' AND A.strDateNL2 <= '1962/07/01 23:54:00' ORDER BY strDateNL2 ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 192777 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '3090' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9360' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962070912' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962070912' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 113551 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9360' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9360' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1962070912' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1962070912' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 164 FNC JoRequeteEcritureExecute strRequete =DELETE FROM [bd-Session] WHERE lNumClient = 11928 AND strSessionID = 'aodonjnl3sazjvlr5khhregh' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 47415 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '1130' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '1130' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '2024051512' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '2024051512' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74132 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1942071311' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1942071311' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74814 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1964111109' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1964111109' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [bd-ETUDEBASE] WHERE [bd-ETUDEBASE].strNomLangueEtude = 'ANGLETERRE' AND [bd-ETUDEBASE].bEstActuel = True mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Ephemerides16002200] E WHERE E.Compteur <= 125108 And E.Compteur >= 125107 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-VILLES] WHERE [Villes2008-VILLES].lNumVille = 74132 mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [Villes2008-PAYS] WHERE [Villes2008-PAYS].strZipP = '9180' mcBDAccessJose Ligne 467 OuvreBaseVue strRequete =SELECT * FROM [CorrectionsTU] WHERE [CorrectionsTU].strZipR = '9180' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateDebut <= '1942071311' And [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin > '1942071311' ORDER BY [CorrectionsTU].strCtuDateFin ASC